
6Pin obdii Cable Harley Motorcycle Motorbike Davidson Adapter OBD Harley...

6Pin obdii Cable Harley Motorcycle Motorbike Davidson Adapter OBD Harley 6 pin to 16 PIN Harley Bike
email bella@uobdauto.com skype: live:obdautocar

Adapter  for Harley 6pin to OBD2 female is designed to connect obd scanner, obdii code reader with built-in OBD2 Male to the diagnostic connector of Harley vehicles Android/iPhone Harley Davidson OBDII Cable ELM327, RPM Fuel Gauge Tachometer​

New cable for getting diagnostic information from your Harley on to your OBD scanner / Code Reader / ELM bluetooth.  You connect one end to your bike and the other to a wifi/bluetooth adapter and then you have a wireless dashboard from your bike to your iPhone/Android phone. 



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